Friday, December 01, 2006
I have gotten a new blog that will show my profile. this one is messed up and i cant figure out how to fix it, so i just made a new blog. If you wanna check it out, and read a post that's alittle more up to date, go to or just click on "My New Blog" under Links (left side of the screen). oh, im putting in dreds! and im going to get a puppy!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
So for halloween, we ate a wonderful dinner of cat litter that mary made. Then we went trick or treating with my little brothers, cameron and carson. Jo dressed up as a skeleton, Kona was also a skeleton, with the help of some black tape. Cameron was a homeless bum, carson was a ringwraith (from Lord of the Rings) and me n' mary were gypsies. After freezing our bare toes off, well me n' mary's, we headed back and watched Pirates of the Caribbean, in honor of Chris's costume (see below). Good times had by all.
Then today, being the little plasma-hore that i am, i went down to the plasma center to sell part of my body for cash. To my dismay, a new guy picked up my folder. "Which arm?" he asked. "Left," i replied, and settled down in the cumfy reclined seat. He took forever to set up the machine and sterilize my arm with iodine, making me even more uneasy about what was coming up...the gigantic needle! The preasure cuff around my upper arm swelled up, and I sqeezed the short piece of PVC pipe in my hand to make my veins bulge. The new guy touched my vein by the needle scar, and asked me to pump my hand harder around the PVC pipe. he wasn't to sure about my vein, "perfect," i thought. I hate it when new guys stab you with that 5 cm wide needle! It always hurts more than usual when going in, and then, sometimes they can't get it into the vein right! So, they move this large metal piece around in your arm till they finally get it into your vein correctly! Not too comfortable, if you know what i mean.
Well, he finally pulled the cap of the needle, and made the approach to my vein, I set my jaw for the worst and tried to focus on the movie playing (Hook). It wasn't too bad of a prick, i've had more painful, but i noticed an odd amount of blood oozing out by the needle. Then suddenly, a stream of my life blood rocketed out into a spraying frenzy! (He DIDN'T put the NEEDLE in right!) Showering the open library book on my lap, along with me! The new guy was frantically ripping open cotton swab packages and trying to stop the blood without pressing on the large needle in my arm (i was very grateful for that curtousy). To my relief, a more experienced worker was soon on this exciting scene. He quickly opened another cotton swab and then pulled the needle from my arm, i applied pressure to the gaping hole until he had my arm securly wrapped. He then stabbed my right arm with the needle to harvest out my plasma, and i got to feel that lovely prick once again. Everything else went smoothly after that, they soaked up the large puddle of blood on my seat, gave me 25 bucks and i was on my merry way, with both arms incapable of bending less than 90 degrees for the next two hours (until i could take the wrap off), and a bloody book (hopefully the library won't mind).
The Gypsies
Cat litter and eye ball wine that mary made for dinner. Divine!
Sven's mom, Chris, a.k.a. the fearson pirate.
Then today, being the little plasma-hore that i am, i went down to the plasma center to sell part of my body for cash. To my dismay, a new guy picked up my folder. "Which arm?" he asked. "Left," i replied, and settled down in the cumfy reclined seat. He took forever to set up the machine and sterilize my arm with iodine, making me even more uneasy about what was coming up...the gigantic needle! The preasure cuff around my upper arm swelled up, and I sqeezed the short piece of PVC pipe in my hand to make my veins bulge. The new guy touched my vein by the needle scar, and asked me to pump my hand harder around the PVC pipe. he wasn't to sure about my vein, "perfect," i thought. I hate it when new guys stab you with that 5 cm wide needle! It always hurts more than usual when going in, and then, sometimes they can't get it into the vein right! So, they move this large metal piece around in your arm till they finally get it into your vein correctly! Not too comfortable, if you know what i mean.
Well, he finally pulled the cap of the needle, and made the approach to my vein, I set my jaw for the worst and tried to focus on the movie playing (Hook). It wasn't too bad of a prick, i've had more painful, but i noticed an odd amount of blood oozing out by the needle. Then suddenly, a stream of my life blood rocketed out into a spraying frenzy! (He DIDN'T put the NEEDLE in right!) Showering the open library book on my lap, along with me! The new guy was frantically ripping open cotton swab packages and trying to stop the blood without pressing on the large needle in my arm (i was very grateful for that curtousy). To my relief, a more experienced worker was soon on this exciting scene. He quickly opened another cotton swab and then pulled the needle from my arm, i applied pressure to the gaping hole until he had my arm securly wrapped. He then stabbed my right arm with the needle to harvest out my plasma, and i got to feel that lovely prick once again. Everything else went smoothly after that, they soaked up the large puddle of blood on my seat, gave me 25 bucks and i was on my merry way, with both arms incapable of bending less than 90 degrees for the next two hours (until i could take the wrap off), and a bloody book (hopefully the library won't mind).

Saturday, October 28, 2006
Good ol' fall adventures

Thursday, October 12, 2006
26.2 Whahoo Fish Tacos!

me, mary, and becky climbing in St. George. it started dumping rain on us, we were soaked in 3.54 minutes, and so we cleaned our routes and scampered on home.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Thoughts about the upcoming marathon.
The race for quality has no finish line- so technically, its more like a death march.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Nothin like bikin in the snow!
So, me, mary and jo decided to bike wolverine a few days ago. There was a bit of snow at the top, but we took off anyways. The bike trail instantly became a rather intense slippery slide as we struggled to maintain control and slow down with our frozen brakes. After a few crashes into the snow, we started to get cold and a little more cautious. Biking the few uphills was pretty much impossible with the snow, forcing us to walk up. Before long it started to get dark, then really dark. We all were pretty cold by this time, especially our fingers and toes, and since biking down in the dark was getting kind of scary (especially when we hit an invisible jump), we all consented to start walking our bikes. We walked off the trail a few times, the only thing visible was white Kona. At one point we came to one of the streams we had to cross. I was determined not to get my feet any colder, so without any precaution or further thought i leap off into the darkness with my bike! To my surprise and dismay i land right in the stream bed and while coming down i scraped the side of my quad on the edge of the BRIDGE. Jo and mary cross over the stream, unscathed and dry. Well, we continued on down the switchbacks and eventually made it to the truck. Not exactly the bike trip we were hoping for, but it made a good story. Headlamps were a wonderful invention, if there is any doubt whether you'll need your's or not, just bring it.