Thursday, September 28, 2006
Thoughts about the upcoming marathon.
The race for quality has no finish line- so technically, its more like a death march.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Nothin like bikin in the snow!
So, me, mary and jo decided to bike wolverine a few days ago. There was a bit of snow at the top, but we took off anyways. The bike trail instantly became a rather intense slippery slide as we struggled to maintain control and slow down with our frozen brakes. After a few crashes into the snow, we started to get cold and a little more cautious. Biking the few uphills was pretty much impossible with the snow, forcing us to walk up. Before long it started to get dark, then really dark. We all were pretty cold by this time, especially our fingers and toes, and since biking down in the dark was getting kind of scary (especially when we hit an invisible jump), we all consented to start walking our bikes. We walked off the trail a few times, the only thing visible was white Kona. At one point we came to one of the streams we had to cross. I was determined not to get my feet any colder, so without any precaution or further thought i leap off into the darkness with my bike! To my surprise and dismay i land right in the stream bed and while coming down i scraped the side of my quad on the edge of the BRIDGE. Jo and mary cross over the stream, unscathed and dry. Well, we continued on down the switchbacks and eventually made it to the truck. Not exactly the bike trip we were hoping for, but it made a good story. Headlamps were a wonderful invention, if there is any doubt whether you'll need your's or not, just bring it.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Back in I-da-ho
Well, i'm back in good ol' school; studying as little as possible, going on as many adventures as i can, and giving plasma to pay for the gas.
climbing at Ross Park in Pocatello with jo and marcus