Monday, August 21, 2006


This just in: It's Raining!

For those of you who haven't been outside in Alaska for the past month, bring your rain gear and check your windshield wipers! So, you could say we've gotten alittle rain lately, pretty soon we'll need a boat to feed the sitka deer. Our fox enclosure was getting pretty muddy. so, with only a few injuries and minor setbacks, we were able to net all of them and put them in a seperate kennel while we put gravel down and then some wood chips on the floor of their enclosure to help the water drain better. We gave them their shots and dewormer medicine while we were at it. I was elected to sqeeze the dewormer medicine in their mouth. The main objectives: get all the medicine in and my fingers out of the way before they got snapped. With all the rain, the roof on our lovely outdoor restroom was starting to leak, giving everyone a nice shower while they took a dump. We thought about charging people extra for the shower, but decided to fix the leak because the all the toilet paper was getting destroyed. Rick did a fine job at fixing the problem by tying down one of our huge tarps on top of the roof. Brilliant, cheap, and quick; just what we needed.
This morning i woke up to the sunshine! The clouds cleared and i felt the sun on my skin again (few better feelings in the world). It was a happy, gorgeous day. Well, I'll be coming back to idaho soon, whoopya! Everyone pray for Sven's ankle. Peace out.

wahoo for sunshine. Your job still sounds fun. I also like the way you write. I think you express yourself well in writing. Well I'll see you this weekend.
Kori, your blog is pretty dog-on exciting. It's making me feel restless here in the computer lab. . .reading about your endless adventures. So how was Island Park? Sweet I suppose. I had fun hanging out with you this week! Afterall, you are hard-kori.
kori you really need to up date this thing
kori you really need to up date this thing
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